Posts Tagged "estate planning"

What to do if the Successor Trustee is doing a bad job.

Posted on Nov 19, 2020 in San Diego Lawyer | Comments Off on What to do if the Successor Trustee is doing a bad job.

TODAY’S NEW FEATURE . . .”GOOD QUESTION, THANKS FOR ASKING . . . ” Q1: My parents died several years ago and my brother is the trustee of their trust. I don’t think he is following the trust but he will not talk to me. How can I motivate them to do his job? How can I find out what is going on with the trust and mom and dads property?  Q2: I am 33 years old and happily married with 2 small kids. We do not own a house. I have life insurance and a 401k at work with $80,000 in it. Do I need an estate plan?  Q3: I have a small maintenance business that bring in...

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Learn how to be a Successor Trustee from Gary

Posted on Nov 7, 2020 in San Diego Lawyer | Comments Off on Learn how to be a Successor Trustee from Gary

Learn how to be a Succesor Trustee from Attorney Gary Quackenbush of GQ Law.  If you have been named as the Successor Trustee of someones Trust, you are probably wondering what you are in for. Gary explains in 13 minutes the basic requirements and duties of a Successor Trustee. He gives you a list of the things you need to do and some ideas on how to get the job done right.  live draw macau toto slot bento4d slot gacor...

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Ten Essential Tasks for Every Trustee

Posted on Dec 20, 2016 in California Wills, Estate Planning, San Diego Lawyer | Comments Off on Ten Essential Tasks for Every Trustee

Ten Essential Tasks for Every Trustee So you’re the trustee, now what? Here are the ten things every trustee is responsible to do.What is a Trustee? Merriam-Webster’s dictionary defines a trustee as “one to whom something is entrusted.” In a legal sense, we’d define a trustee as a person or organization that has been given responsibility for managing someone else’s property or money through a trust. What does a trustee need to do?  1 – Invest and manage the assets. Trustees have an obligation to invest trust assets with minimal risk of loss. If an...

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Can You Get a Loan on Your Inheritance?

Posted on Aug 4, 2016 in Estate Planning, San Diego Lawyer | Comments Off on Can You Get a Loan on Your Inheritance?

Can You Get a Loan on Your Inheritance? Here is a new idea for people inheriting property: You can, in fact, take out a loan on your inheritance! Why would you want to borrow money against your inheritance? Let me explain. It is pretty common for children to inherit a house or houses as part of a parents’ Estate Plan. Sometimes, however, more than one kid (beneficiary) wants to have the house but there is not enough money in the Trust (or Estate) to give the house to one and an equivalent amount of cash to others. So what do you do? How can you make an equal distribution to all the...

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Death Tax: Is it fair to tax people at death?

Posted on Mar 29, 2016 in Estate Planning, San Diego Lawyer | Comments Off on Death Tax: Is it fair to tax people at death?

Death Tax: Is it fair to tax people at death? On Tuesday’s Word On Wealth radio show,, I answered the following questions: Why do I need a Will or a Trust? A man ready to retire owns a modest home but has no estate plan – no trust – no Will – nothing. He figures it is not a big deal because he will just let his children have the house.  Assuming he dies first, his children would most likely end up with the house as joint owners. They would be partners in owning the house whether or not the chose to be. The children would take title to the house after it...

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