Exercise Overrated

Posted on Nov 15, 2012 in San Diego Lawyer | Comments Off on Exercise Overrated

We all MUST stay in shape (or get into shape) physically and fiscally

The article linked below analyzes 3 “overrated” exercises to avoid because they do not really work. I was intrigued by the title and read through it. It makes sense to me, I believe it, and I am going to make a better exercise program and follow it.

Please click here to follow the link to “Overrated Exercises”

Fiscally, many of us have the same problem of doing the same thing over and over getting the same crummy results. 

Credit card debt, for example. How many of us pay the minimum payment every hoping that it will just go away – and it doesn’t. 

OR – pay a fixed payment every month but then use the card again and it never goes away.

Perhaps it is time to change the routine. It will take commitment and discipline, but over time as those balances go down, you will be feel better. 

I recommend a book – I get nothing for this recommendation – “Winning With Money – The budget book for people who hate budgets”. I have given the book to many of my radio show listeners to help them budget for the future – and to get out of debt. Some are following its strategy, others need more help and are considering debt relief through bankruptcy protection. 

It is time to get in shape fiscally, isn’t it? 

We cannot act like the government and throw borrowed money all over the place hoping problems will go away – they won’t. 

Let’s make a better fiscal plan and follow itTODAY!

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